Success Centers + 2023-2024 Key Focus Areas

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Communications & Content

Engaging with motion content served in long-form and short clips has created apex content consumption and engagement. Additional to video content addition high-level engagement is happening with infographics, motion comic-style stories, visual immersion and content experiences. Expansion of the EPK to tech and nontech as well as entertainment will see more immersive content that will draw people closer to instant purchase.

Search and Social

Continuing to focus on using key search platforms like Youtube and Google, total engagement including highly attractive motion gifs, optimized search integrated with key data parameters and integration to internal sales and customer support operations insure that investments made in search and social are key to capturing top-level market share, especially at time-of-purchase. Organizational process integration ensures that search is moved quickly into sales channels that can act quickly on conversions.

Data & Analytics

Key focus on deep data and analytics processing will provide higher-level engagement in search and content development in addition to market and buyer characteristics that will not only ensure our messaging is relevant but that we have created products that exceed competitive offers by being outlier products or products that are positioned as a premium to premium buying audiences. Key scout data will provide the trend info that allows product development and messaging that will provide optimum positioning along with optimum timing

Video & Interactive

Define interactive video. Take early work I did on an interactive games show and create new content to has extremely high indexing engagement. Create standard video to brand-saturate and create interactive video to allow prospective clients to attract to the brand story and allow current clients to deepen their commitment to the brand story.

Artificial Intelligence

Embracing and working with tools that are rich and growing in the area of artificial intelligence better, more consistent results that are more personalized and more oriented to longer more successful engagement. Some of the areas I am currently focused on in implementing AI.

  • Standard communication

  • Product recommendations + community interactions

  • Email and text personalization

  • E-commerce transactions

  • Content creation

In Today’s Selling Market


Key Tenents of Marketing Today


Create powerful engagement. Today, it’s not boring your prospects in a sea of words. Today is motion media, experiences, and clients telling hero brand stories.

Amaze & Delight

Go the extra yard to surprise a client with innovative packaging, a little something unexpected or a call out of the blue asking them about their experience. Creating long-term clients that tell great brand stories doesn’t have to be expensive, it just needs amazing creativity.

Personalize It

Marketing is a one to one conversation based on solving the challenges of a single person or organization with a single solution that will solve a specific problem for which the marketer has strong market awareness and intelligence to solve.

Service + Trust

Like the gold behind the dollar, a brand is one that does what it says and says what it does. It meets expectations and it works hard to deliver the very best brand experience from product quality to brand ambassadors and front line service.

Data Drivers

Data drives action. Without it we are throwing darts in the dark with a blindfold. Getting access to market data and trends must be a key strategy of today’s marketing organization so that all resources can be laser-guided to the nearest dollar.

Help Them Feel

Young and older buyers both want to be part of a brand’s exceptional story to connect with life and things they see as important. Creating a culture and journey to serving the client and at the same time fulfilling their needs makes you their brand instead of your brand.

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Make Amazing Products

We will talk about Hype being a strong tool. but it cannot be a substitute for putting out amazing products or services. Today’s buyers are intelligent, even if fooled once. With reviews, social media and other ways to reach prospective buyers, getting on the bad side of reviews will make the mountain of promotion impossibly steep.

Communicate Religiously

Who has time to Tweet? Who drops a new Tic Tok or Instagram, blog post or podcast when there is so much to do? You have to, it is the new media. Learning to redirect your dollars from traditional advertising, trade events, etc and moving your message to targeted eyes is as much art and science and to succeed today you have to be masterful at execution.

Become Iconic

Having someone on your team, from CEO to influencer to downright rock star really helps get the follower numbers up. Good follower numbers means a great audience to reach out to and create action on your next initiative from product launch to hype-hit.

Bring on The Hype

Who would show up for a thousand dollar a seat fight if there was no hype. Hype brings the fervor and is the prerequisite of the unveil. It is a masterful process to really understand the right level of hype and be able to deliver on the promise.

Events & Unveils

Some companies how to bring up the volume on the buzz machine, Apple and Tesla have that button. Others, not so much. The big unveil gets people excited and brings up the brand religion fervor included early teases to the event.

Create Scarcity Demand

They say that the legendary eat haunts have lines outside which encourages people to find out what the buzz is. Bring on the buzz and take the preorders. Create scarcity and allow the lucky few to get in early.

Deliver Amazing Support

Certain companies have created legendary support organizations like Nordstrom Costco and others where they trust the customer to ensure they are happy. But imagine opportunities to go above and beyond where people share their own great stories.

Create “Wow” Moments

Do something a little crazy that gets you noticed. Being a little kooky equates to cool brand equity and dollars.


Mindshare Comes From 24/7 Flow

Being a Part of Peoples Lives and Delivering Messaging The Meets Pop Culture Is Critical In Delivering Memorability and Brand Equity