Revenue Development of $475M + 300 Marketing Campaigns + Highly Successful Product Launches

Greg Holsen lives in Northern California with his wife and two kids. He started his selling and marketing career winning a cub scout chocolate selling campaign at 5 years old and from there it was business after business including a production company, private clients transportation business working with top musicians, entertainers and world leaders. His career took him to Xerox where he re-engineered eCommerce for on-demand corporate printing and packaging. Over the next few years, he would focus on growth companies that needed to re-engineer their marketing and sales programs including an Inc 100 company where we secured $11M in venture funding from a top-tier venture firm. Greg has focused his efforts in his career on mastering the revenue stream from sales to marketing, customer experience to operations. Greg has turned around over 20 products with more than half of them going from “bargain-bin” products to top sellers with changes to licensing, branding, and channels. Greg has also turned around and re-engineered sales organizations for leading growth companies doubling gained business and enhancing retention.

What People Are Saying

Greg is one of the most innovative and creative thinkers I've ever encountered in business. In trying to solve a problem or develop a new approach, Greg will always come up with a different way to look at the solution. He is also one of the hardest workers I know, with respect to just not letting it go until the task is done. Whether it’s sales management, creative presentations, or strategizing on how to close a difficult prospect, I easily rank Greg in the top 1% of business people to work with.

— Bob Krueger | CEO, Westech Business Solutions

Greg has an amazing ability to take the written word and create a visual, visceral experience for the reader. His instincts are on the money and he brings tremendous knowledge and expertise to the table. Greg is a pleasure to work with and I look forward to a long and prosperous relationship.

Kathryn Arnold | CEO of Evolution at Sea

“Greg’s varied skill set is remarkable”

~ Peter Hartzell // CEO // Hartzell Enterprises

Greg worked for me in the capacity of Director of Sales and Marketing. I was impressed about his creative ideas in blogging, and marketing in general. I am always blown away how he comes up with a great PowerPoint deck in less than 30 minutes. He is a PowerPoint GURU to me. I have not met anyone who is better and quicker in powerpoint yet! His blog ideas are out of the box and that's the way I like it. He follows Sandler sales technique for sales management. He loves Sandler method and I appreciated and learned from him as well. He always used to say "Salespeople needs to be managed too - just like others". He used to listen in the calls with the sales team and advise them how they could have improved the outcome of the call or how they could have listened more, talk less! if you are looking for a sales or marketing manager, director or consultant, I highly recommend it. And I don't recommend too many people.

- Manu Das | Founder & CEO at BrandWide & Soffront Corporation

Greg's approach was anything BUT traditional...follow the leader. He continually brought fresh insights and creative ideas to the table -- how to use video, how to freshen the branding, how to sell preventive maintenance contracts, how to tell the story of the value we offered. Several keys to Greg's unique skill set: > Great at teamwork. Greg is never short on ideas: small and detailed (colors, sales pitch wording) and big and bold (new branding naming, experiential booths at trade shows) and yet he is also very collaborative -- working to build off of others ideas. When the time comes to follow the agreed direction, Greg enthusiastically implements whatever direction is chosen. Team members working with Greg whether inside our outside our organization, love the experience -- fun, energetic, get it done, proud of the end product and lots of celebration and appreciation along the way. Great at creative storytelling. Greg is brilliant at taking a concept, a story, a message and bringing it to life in images, text, video. He uses bold images and humor and surprise. He does this incredibly well in all media: website, video, slide presentation decks and in the presentation of the decks themselves. I worked with him on some video projects which were carefully scripted and yet in a talk-show-like format conveyed with energy the message to our audience. > Great at working with a budget. My companies did not have large marketing budgets and yet, Greg was able to give them big-budget marketing presence. Three years running we one top awards at national industry trade shows for our booths. Repeatedly customers, partners and competitors commented on the our outstanding, creative and effective integrated marketing. Greg's work led to an exciting merger negotiation.

Peter Hartzell | Vice President Of Business Development at MyGolana Philippines Inc.

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Most Notable Achievements

  • Created not-for-profit business funded by a for-profit business while in college. Replicated not-for-profit around the country after substantial media exposure and went on to sell for-profit business for $4M.

  • Sold over $12K of books in a summer door-to-door campaign in an unfamiliar part of the country.

  • Took company that had been sold and funded multiple times in a different direction by changing the focus of our strategic relationships ultimately culminating in the sale of the company to its current successful parent company.

  • Provided launch of a software product that was originally thought to be hard to market by creating unique packaging and brand story culminating in the product taking a lead position in the product category.

  • Relaunched a software product that a large software distributor failed to get traction with by creating a strategic partnership with a major clothing brand seeing the product go from bargain bin to market leader overnight, allowing the developer to launch new products.

  • Created a first-of-its-kind interactive television show which allowed users to determine the show outcome in real-time via mobile device participation.

  • Major marketing contributor to a successful Million+ Crowdfunding campaign.

  • Closed the accounts of three top technology companies in one year, Microsoft, Computer Associates and Autodesk culminating a value of $8.9 Million

  • Positioned startup into an acquisition conversation, under one year, with the largest competitor through targeted exposure designed to get competitors’ attention.

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( Prior 5 years)

Top Regional Channels Developer

Top Dollar Volume Pipeline $25M

Ingram Micro Product Design Award

Software Publishers Association Award

National Recognition for Surgeon General Campaign

Top Trade Show Booth West Coast Fence Show

Top Trade Show Booth | Fencetech 2018

Top Trade Show Booth | Fencetech 2019

Top Trade Show Booth | Fencetech 2020

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Let’s Chat

'“Conversation is a catalyst for innovation.”

~John Seely Brown .